3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor for Back Pain

3 Reasons to See a Chiropractor for Back Pain

Chiropractic Care for Back Pain From Our Chiropractor in Kennewick

Back pain can be caused by any number of injuries and conditions, including sciatica, herniated discs, sprains and strains and overuse. Our chiropractor in Kennewick can diagnose the causes of your back pain and recommend treatments to heal the injuries.

chiropractic care for back pain from our chiropractor in kennewick

Benefits of Seeing a Chiropractor for Back Pain

Seeing a chiropractor for back pain offers many benefits. There are no invasive procedures, and you will get a complete diagnosis of the injuries and conditions that are causing your back pain.

1. Conservative Treatment Options

Chiropractic care is conservative care, which means the treatments are designed to be natural and holistic. Treatments may include chiropractic adjustments, massage therapy, and corrective exercises.

2. Lower Your Reliance on Medications

Pain medications and anti-inflammatories only mask the pain. They do not treat the causes of your pain. This means that when the medications wear off, your pain returns. Chiropractic care seeks to treat the causes of your pain, which reduces your need for pain medications.

3. Improve Your Overall Health

Chiropractic care does more than provide relief from back pain. You may also notice that you have fewer allergies and headaches. You sleep better. You can do more during the day, and you feel better overall.

Back Injury Treatments with our Chiropractor at Back to Basics Chiropractic in Kennewick

Our chiropractor at Back to Basics Chiropractic in Kennewick offers comprehensive treatment programs for back injuries that can help lower your back pain. Our treatment programs utilize one or more of our services, and your program will be adjusted as you heal.

For example, our chiropractor may recommend chiropractic adjustments to improve the alignment of your vertebrae and reduce localized inflammation. Massage therapy may be recommended to help alleviate sore muscles and improve circulation in injured tissues. As you progress towards wellness, corrective exercises may be recommended to help strengthen your back muscles and improve your flexibility.

To schedule an appointment for your back pain, call us at 509-783-2225.

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